How this site is built using Hakyll

This site is built using the static site generator Hakyll.

The main benefits of this approach are in 3 areas:

  • Workflow: Being able to publish new content with minimal effort.
  • Security: Having a safe website without the need to constantly update some buggy CMS.
  • Speed: A fast website is good for SEO and usability (especially on mobile phones).

The following is from the file site.hs that compiles to one executable that gathers and transforms all the necessary content and puts it into one folder ready for uploading to the webserver. For more information check out the documentation on the Hakyll website.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import           Data.Monoid (mappend)
import           Hakyll

main :: IO ()
main = hakyll $ do

    match "img/*" $ do
        route   idRoute
        compile copyFileCompiler

    match "img-posts/*" $ do
        route   idRoute
        compile copyFileCompiler

    match "fonts/*" $ do
        route   idRoute
        compile copyFileCompiler

    match "css/*" $ do
        route   idRoute
        compile compressCssCompiler

    match "blog/*" $ do
      route $ setExtension "html"
      compile $ pandocCompiler
        >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/post.html"    postCtx
        >>= saveSnapshot "content"
        >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default-onecolumn.html" postCtx
        >>= relativizeUrls

    match "site/" $ do
      route $ setExtension "html"
      compile $ pandocCompiler
        >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" defaultContext
        >>= relativizeUrls

    create ["archiv.html"] $ do
        route idRoute
        compile $ do
            posts <- recentFirst =<< loadAll "blog/*"
            let archiveCtx =
                    listField "posts" postCtx (return posts) `mappend`
                    listField "postlinks" postCtx (return posts) `mappend`                    
                    constField "title" "Archiv"            `mappend`
                    constField "metadesc" "Blog-Archiv von Uffizio mit Artikeln über Webseiten, Webshops und Webapplikationen aus technischer und betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht." `mappend`

            makeItem ""
                >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/archive.html" archiveCtx
                >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" archiveCtx
                >>= relativizeUrls

    match "blog.html" $ do
        route idRoute
        compile $ do
            posts <- recentFirst =<< loadAll "blog/*"
            showposts <- recentFirst =<< loadAllSnapshots "blog/*" "content"
            let indexCtx =
                    listField "posts" postCtx (return posts) `mappend`
                    listField "showposts" postCtx (return $ take 1 $ showposts) `mappend`
                    listField "postlinks" postCtx (return $ tail $ posts) `mappend`

                >>= applyAsTemplate indexCtx
                >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" indexCtx
                >>= relativizeUrls

    match staticPages $ do
        route   $ idRoute
        compile $ getResourceBody
            >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" defaultContext
            >>= relativizeUrls

    match "templates/*" $ compile templateCompiler

    create ["sitemap.xml"] $ do
        route idRoute
        compile $ do
            posts <- recentFirst =<< loadAll "blog/*"
            let sitemapCtx =
                  listField "posts" sitemapPostCtx (return posts)
            makeItem ""
                >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/sitemap.xml" sitemapCtx

    match staticFiles $ do
        route idRoute
        compile copyFileCompiler

staticPages = fromList ["index.html", "webseiten.html", "e-commerce.html", "internetmarketing.html"]
staticFiles = fromList ["sitemap.xml", "robots.txt", "humans.txt", "404.html"]

postCtx :: Context String
postCtx =
    dateField "date" "%d.%m.%Y" `mappend`

sitemapPostCtx :: Context String
sitemapPostCtx =
    dateField "date" "%Y-%m-%d" `mappend`
    constField "baseUrl" "" `mappend`
